■ We want to prepare students to embark on a career in Non-Government Organizations. Students develop a basic framework of managerial knowledge and professional skills so that they can help the NGO in which they serve make the most of itself.
■ Students broaden their perspective throughout the program as they develop and refine their skills to manage and implement projects.
■ Students become professionals who can create a positive impact on the wider community through their engagement in charity and public welfare activities, as well as their knowledge of other cultures and religious organizations.
■ Our program brings together faculty members from many different programs in the College of Social Sciences and the College of Management who specialize in social work, business administration, sociology, psychology, religious studies, and accounting, as well as experienced professionals from NGOs.
■ Courses are divided into three categories: basic theory, management and marketing, and accounting reports and financial evaluations.
■ The curriculum manifests FJCU's devotion to the human spirit and dedication to public charity.